Access to all classes ends December 31, 2024

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My goal is to help and support you in your cat grooming journey. In helping you become a better cat groomer, together we are

Saving the World one Feline at a Time

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Classes by Deborah

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Keys to House Call Grooming: Equipment

This class contains videos on what Deborah transports to every house call client’s home, how she sets up for each groom, and what she carries her equipment in. With house call grooming, both weight and safety must be considered in the choices we make. Everything in her bag will be displayed, itemized and explained for you to consider in your house call business. This class contains almost 30 minutes of video and is taking students about 90 minutes to complete. 

Keys to House Call Grooming: The First Visit

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, how do you make it count? This class will cover everything you need to know from the time you pull up at the house for the first time to the time you are ready to set up to begin the groom. This class covers the first 30 minutes of face time my clients experience with my business. Everything you do during these first minutes will determine if this client will ask you to leave, be a one time client, or a regular grooming client.  This could be the difference between not getting paid and making thousands of dollars over the upcoming years from this client.

Added Bonus! Deborah's client information sheet is included for you to tailor to your business needs.

Keys to House Call Grooming: The Cat is Groomed, Now What???

Finishing strong with an educational wrap up and leaving a spotless work area will get your clients begging to rebook. In this class, Deborah covers the secret to vacuuming up 99% of the hair in your work area! She is very proud of this method that she has taught to many! Starting with presenting the cat to the family to cleaning up and getting paid is all covered in this class! 

Keys to House Call Grooming: Safety

House call grooming can be a scary adventure. Walking into multiple stranger's homes every day can be unnerving. In this class, Deborah Hansen, CFMG, CFCG will cover the basic safety steps and procedures she has taken every day since June 2013 in her feline exclusive, house call grooming business, Kitty's Purrfect Spa.

Everything from marketing and setting your prices to attract your ideal client, what to observe when arriving at a client's home, how to approach different types of homes, what to do when you are in danger from a human or cat, policies and the reasoning behind them, grooming dangers such as groomer’s lung and noise pollution are covered in this class. 

Do not shy away from house call grooming if you are anxious about going to new places. Deborah will walk you through steps to help you build your confidence, give you safety tips to help keep you safe from clients, and non-owner factors that may put us in danger during the house call grooming appointment. 

Aggressive Cats in the House Call Environment

Lap Grooming an Aggressive cat on the floor can sound scary. In reality, it gives you more control, keeps the cat safer, and gives the owner the confidence in your ability. This class demonstrates how to handle an aggressive cat during a house call grooming visit. Everything from policies, to meeting the cat, to taking the cat from the owner to the actual grooming process, presenting the cat to the owner and wrap up is covered. You will view two full lion cuts, a bath and dry on an aggressive cat. The basic steps on how to perform a lion cut are not taught. This class is specifically focused on how to safely groom an aggressive cat in the house call setting. Over 1 hour and 25 minutes of Aggressive Cat Grooming video, over 32 minutes of non-aggressive cat grooming video plus over 12 minutes of video of Deborah speaking and written material is included in this class. 

Lap Holds for Feline Grooming

Struggling with the dreaded "sani" area? Want to learn more holds to enhance your feline grooming skills? Deborah Hansen, CFMG, CFCG will walk you through the holds she uses every day! Deborah opened her feline exclusive house call business, Kitty's Purrfect Spa in June 2013. Since that time, she has groomed over 3000 felines, all in her lap! While Deborah grooms on the floor, this class will cover each hold on the floor and on a chair! Do not shy away from lap grooming if you are not flexible or the kind of person who can sit on the floor. She will cover options and techniques that will allow anyone to use these holds! 18 holds, over 25 minutes of video, averaging 45 minutes to complete.


Cat Care for Cat Parents

Hello! I am honored to have partnered with your groomer to bring this class to you. In this class, you will learn how to make grooming a bonding experience with your cat. Basic nail trimming, brushing and crate usage are taught.  This class is designed for all cat parents. Over an hour of video, 20 minutes of which is grooming, is included. This class averages 105 minutes.


Having requests for tail color? Want an easy creative add-on for your business? Deborah Hansen, CFMG, CFCG will teach you how to add colored tails to your feline grooms. Deborah will walk you through this popular groom. This class averages an hour with over 8 minutes of actual grooming footage.


Creative Grooming, The "Dino" Groom

Having requests for the Dino Cut ? Sometimes referred to as the Stegosaurus or Dragon Cut. Deborah Hansen, CFMG, CFCG and owner of Feline Artistic Creations will teach you how to set your pattern and enhance your design. She has been published in National Association of Professional Creative Groomers and Purrfect Pointers. Also, the owner of Kitty's Purrfect Spa and Kitty's Kopy Kats will walk you through this popular groom. In 2018 all her businesses were combined under the name Kitty's Enterprises. This class averages 2 hours with over an hour of actual grooming footage.

Feline Creative Basics

Welcome !

In this almost four hour, online self-paced class, you will learn The Theory of Creative Cat Grooming. Topics include Types of Products to Use, Basic Design Development, How to Defend your Art and How to Choose a Creative Cat. A 20 question test on the feline skin, coat and safety must be passed before the Apply Your Skills module is available. This course does not cover basic feline grooming or handling techniques. 

Safety Class: Feline Bite Protection

In this class , Feline Bite Protection, you will learn:

  • How to avoid bites and scratches
  • Barriers you can use to protect yourself
  • How to care for bites and scratches


Safety Class: Wait! What Did You Say? Noise Pollution in the Grooming Environment

In this class , Wait! What Did You Say? Noise pollution in the grooming environment, you will learn:

  • How much noise is too much noise
  • How the ear functions
  • How to protect your hearing at any price point


Safety Class: Groomer's Lung Debris in the Grooming Environment

In this class , Groomer's Lung, Debris in the Grooming Environment, you will learn:

  • What is in the air while you are grooming
  • How the lungs work
  • How to protect your lungs at any price point

 While this class was made pre covid, the information on how to protect your lungs is even more relevant in this post covid world. 


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